National Program for Lung Research
The burden of respiratory diseases is high; one in 18 white European people suffers from a chronic respiratory disease, and this number is expected to increase because of climate and meteorological changes.
One of the main reasons for the prevalence of respiratory diseases is that the respiratory system interacts with the environment more directly than most other organs of the body. Therefore, respiratory research has traditionally been interdisciplinary. The linking of these interrelated disciplines has provided better understanding of the origins, presence, and prognosis of respiratory diseases, but results have been insufficient to prevent, cure, or stop the progression of most of these diseases.
The Netherlands Respiratory Society has therefore initiated the development of a National Program for Lung Research entitled Lungs Lasting a Lifetime, to strengthen collaborative efforts in the Netherlands and improve the outlook for affected patients. The National Program for Lung Research (in Dutch “Nationaal Programma Longonderzoek” or NPL) is a clear example of how various groups in one country are collaborating to improve research.
The NPL committee invites you to meet on the 19 Jan 2023 at Crown Plaza Utrecht to discuss research topics that may form (new) consortia that will arrange funding to execute the research needed for better care, new treatments and/or prevention of lung diseases. More information can be found here
NPL 2.0 Update: recap NPL meeting DLC 2022, next steps, onsite meeting 9th November 2022. Do you want to receive NPL 2.0 updates by email? Don't forget to subscribe to the email list!
To identify what is needed within Dutch respiratory research from a scientific perspective, we would like to ask you as valuable NRS member to fill in this questionnaire.
17th of September 2019: first stakeholders meeting P4O2
A more extensive description of the proposal P4O2 is now available on the new website
The researchers of the Dutch National Program Lung Research of the NRS aim to submit the research proposal 'P4O2 - Precision Medicine for more Oxygen' to the Match Call of Health~Holland at 9 October 2019. We are looking for partners in artificial intelligence, big data, bioinformatics, pharma, diagnostics and other related fields. A brochure with more detailed information about the project is now available!
On June 22nd 2017, the NRS presented the P4O2 document in a meeting attended by many stakeholders in Dutch respiratory medicine and science. The document was written to promote the goals of the National Program Lung Research. Recognizing that lung diseases are the number one cause of death worldwide, P4O2 aims to seize the opportunity for Dutch respiratory science to play a leading role in the transition from palliative respiratory care towards preventative and curative respiratory medicine.
During the last NRS board meeting on 31-10-2017, the NPL figureheads Peter Sterk and Dirkje Postma handed over the NPL baton to the NRS board. Analogous to the NPL task forces, NRS board members and/or NRS members nominated by them, will take a leading role for specific initiatives or projects. Annemie Schols has expressed her willingness to coordinate the overall process in the coming years.
As part of the National Program for Lung Research, the taskforce 'Cross fertilization between research areas' is organizing a one-day symposium on cross-border thinking for respiratory research. The aim of this symposium is to stimulate innovative approaches for respiratory research.
As part of the National Program for Lung Research, the taskforce 'Cross fertilization between research areas' is organizing a one-day symposium on cross-border thinking for respiratory research. The aim of this symposium is to stimulate innovative approaches for respiratory research.
The NFU, Federation of Dutch Universities has decided that Lung Diseases will participate in the National Science Agenda (NWA) route: Personalized Medicine. This is exciting news; next to Cancer, Cardiology and Mental Health Care, Lung diseases are now highlighted for Personal Medicine plans in the Netherlands!
Longonderzoekers sluiten de rijen in Vaalsbroek
Verslag door Arno van 't Hoog over het KNAW symposium - Vermoeidheid bij chronische ziekten
This symposium will bring together world experts in the topic of fatigue in patients with chronic non-communicable disease, like respiratory, cardiovascular and oncologic diseases. It aims to bring forward ideas for best approaches in research and clinical practice to tackle the origins and management of this very common and overlapping symptom in many chronic diseases, that affects a patients' daily quality of life, and impacts societal and professional participation.
The symposium was organized by Prof Irene Heijink (UMCG, Groningen) and Dr Robbert Rottier (Erasmus MC, Rotterdam) as part of the NRS task force Innovative Research. The goal of the meeting was to stimulate research in the Netherlands aimed at repair of damaged lung tissue.
The taskforce "Cross fertilization between research areas" is developing a symposium, tentatively entitled "Cross-border thinking: a key to success in Dutch respiratory research".
Development of the National Program Lung Research: 'Life Long Lungs'
Nederlands longonderzoek behoort tot de wereldtop. Om te zorgen dat dit onderzoek sterk en kansrijk blijft, presenteert de NRS vandaag het Nationaal Programma Longonderzoek: vijf kansrijke thema's, resultaat van een unieke 'bottom-up' zoektocht van ruim twee jaar. Prof. dr. Jan Raaijmakers, boegbeeld van de Topsektor Life Sciences & Health, neemt de aanbevelingen vandaag in ontvangst tijdens de Longdagen in Ermelo.
Tijdens de Longdagen 2016 werd de brochure "Vijf kansrijke gebieden" uitgereikt door Dirkje Postma aan prof. dr. Jan Raaijmakers, boegbeeld van de Nederlands Topsektor Life Sciences & Health.
We kindly invite you to participate in the conference called "Een Leven Lang Longen" (Lungs Lasting a Lifetime) organized by the NRS on Sunday November 22 because we value your input highly.