Agenda archive
NRS Experimental models symposium 2021
The NRS task force animal models in pulmonary research organizes a yearly Experimental models Symposium in October. Our aim is to optimize the use of experimental models in lung research and to stimulate and facilitate collaborations between research groups of the academia and industry.
Location: David de Wied gebouw, M2.01, Universiteitsweg 99, 3584 CG Utrecht, de Uithof.
NRS National Lung Course 2021
The NRS National course on lung diseases and lung research aims at bringing basic and applied lung research in the Netherlands at a higher level by training young talented researchers. Participants will learn both the basics and state-of-the-art developments in the areas of (patho)physiology, treatment, methodologies, diagnosis, and career development.
Location: Hotel Heerlickheijd Ermelo
Dutch Lung Congress
On the 17th and 18th of June 2021 the NRS, in collaboration with the NVALT and Lung foundation Netherlands, will organize the Dutch Lung Congress as a fully online meeting. This meeting will build on the success of the scientific collaboration within the former annual lung meeting (Longdagen). Please keep an eye on the website of the NRS for the opening of the registration (abstract submission is now closed) and further details which will be available soon. For more information click here.
First NRS Webinar 29th April 12.30 - 14.00 h. Rare diseases: Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
The NRS webinar committee organizes a monthly webinar that is followed by a digital NRS cafe on each last Thursday of the month (except in July). With this series we aim to inform, highlight, and promote pulmonary research from fundamental up to a translational and clinical level. We hope that, with this year’s exiting program, we can provide an interesting and educational webinar for the various backgrounds of all attendees.
We chose to address fixed themes that will be the backbone of each year’s series, in which topics per theme will change annually. This year we focused on Dutch pulmonary research, because we have so much exciting research in the Dutch respiratory field! We will kick off with the theme: rare diseases, the topic in that theme for this year is Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) and we are excited that Prof. Marie-José Goumans (Dept. of Cell and Chemical Biology, LUMC) and Marlies Haarman (Faculty of Medical Sciences, UMCG) will present the state-of-the-art of this field and their research!
We look forward to hearing your experiences, and to talk to you in the NRS caffé, which is hosted after each webinar. Please roam around on the webinar website to find information about the schedule and speakers, and to attend the webinar and NRS caffé.
Do not miss out on the NRS webinar series, please preregister now (takes up to one minute).
NRS pubquiz
Fancy a fun Friday afternoon activity, test your respiratory science & random facts knowledge and get to know your fellow NRS members from other institutes? Then join our digital Lung Science Pub Quiz on 26th of March (15.30-17.30 h) ! This spring, the Young Investigator Board of the NRS will host its first virtual Pub Quiz. Everybody is welcome; Young Investigators as well as more ‘experienced’ NRS members. You can apply as a team or individually (a great chance to get to know new people). This is your chance to win an amazing NRS Pub Quiz muk! And last but not least: there will bonus points for the team with the best dress code! So if you bring your own drinks, snacks and device, we will provide the fun!
NRS 11th Young Investigators Symposium November 15th 2019 "Treatable traits"
The NRS board and the NRS Young Investigators Board invite you to attend the 11th NRS Young Investigators Symposium on 'Treatable Traits' on November 15th, 2019
NRS board meeting October
Monthly NRS board meeting
9th Symposium of the NRS platform experimental models in pulmonary research
On Friday October 11th, 2019, the NRS platform experimental models in pulmonary research organizes the 9th symposium in Utrecht, Nutricia Research, Uppsalalaan 12, 3584 CT Utrecht, de Uithof.
NRS General Members meeting 2018
NRS General members meeting 2018
Date: Wednesday April 11th
Time: 12.00 – 13.00 hrs
Location: De Heerlickheijd van Ermelo
Room: Markgraaf 2
Attachment 1: Minutes NRS General Members meeting April 2017
Attachment 2: Jaarrekening 2017
Attachment 3: Begroting 2019
NRS 9th Young Investigator Symposium
The NRS board and the NRS Young Investigators Board invite you to attend the 9th NRS Young Investigators Symposium, "Biomarkers in pulmonary disease"
7th Symposium of the NRS platform on animal models in pulmonary research
On October 13th, 2017, the NRS platform animal models in pulmonary research organizes the 7th symposium in Utrecht, David de Wied building, M2.01, Universiteitsweg 99, 3584 CG Utrecht, de Uithof.
One-day Symposium by NPL taskforce 'Cross fertilization between research areas'
As part of the National Program for Lung Research, the taskforce 'Cross fertilization between research areas' is organizing a one-day symposium on cross-border thinking for respiratory research. The aim of this symposium is to stimulate innovative approaches for respiratory research.
The Lancet Summit
This new Summit, organised by The Lancet Respiratory Medicine and The Lancet Oncology, will cover all of the main areas of debate for patients with COPD and lung cancer from prevention, diagnosis, treatment through to palliative care. It will also look at shared lessons from having a better understanding of the development and management of both diseases.
For more information click here
Pneumo Update Europe 2017
In 2017, the PUE will move to Vienna, where over two days, 14 leading experts will review recent advances across the spectrum of pulmonary medicine. Interact with colleagues, exchange information and ideas, and get updated – helping you to provide the best care for your patients!
For more information click here
NRS National Lung Course
The NRS National course on lung diseases and lung research aims at bringing basic and applied lung research in the Netherlands at a higher level by training young talented researchers. PhD candidates will learn both the basics and state-of-the-art developments in the areas of (patho)physiology, treatment, methodologies, diagnosis, and career development. Disease areas that will be covered include asthma, allergy, interstitial lung diseases, orphan lung diseases, infectious diseases, COPD and lung cancer.
For more information click here
CHEST conference - COPD: Current Excellence and Future Development (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
"Hear the latest review of COPD research and discuss future directions in diagnosis, treatment and therapies at the new international conference 'COPD: Current Excellence and Future Development'. Specialists in pulmonary diseases will present a highly clinical programme aimed at inspiring and enhancing the care provided to patients with COPD.
For more information click here
General Members Meeting NRS
General Members Meeting NRS
Longdagen 2017
The Longdagen 2017 will be organized on April 11th and April 12th in 'De Heerlickheijd van Ermelo". The aim of the Longdagen ("Lung days") scientific conference is to be the national meeting place for scientists, pulmonologists, pediatricians, family physicians, technicians, health care professionals and patients. In addition, separate sessions are organized for the general public in order to present the latest developments in the area of research and care for patients with lung diseases. The website is open since today. So save the date and register now and submit your abstracts. Registration is free for members of the NRS!
ERS Sleep and Breathing
The Sleep and Breathing conference is the largest pan-European meeting of its kind and is the only one to offer an integrated approach to the investigation and treatment of sleep disorders.