6th Symposium of the NRS platform animal models in pulmonary research
On October 14th, 2016, the NRS platform animal models in pulmonary research organizes the 6th symposium in Utrecht, Marinus Ruppert building, room 042, Leuvenlaan 21, 3584 CE Utrecht, de Uithof.
Full program see below!
Our aim is to optimize the use of experimental models in lung research and to stimulate and facilitate collaborations between research groups of the academia and industry. During this 6th symposium, experts in the field, post-docs and PhD students will give an overview of the animal models used in pulmonary research such as pulmonary infection, asthma, lung emphysema, neonatal lung disease, pulmonary hypertension, etc.
Our keynote speakers, professor dr Klaus Erb (Respiratory Diseases, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH, Germany) and professor dr Robert Snelgrove (National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial college London, UK) will present on lung infection.
We invite all NRS members that are (interested in) working with animal models in experimental pulmonary disease or associated research.
In addition to the keynote speakers presentations will be given by:
Katrien de Grove, Respiratory Medicine, Ghent, Belgium
Yolanda van Wijck, Pulmonology, Leiden
Eline van Dijk, Pharmacology, Groningen
Thomas Koudstaal, Pulmonology, Rotterdam
Astrid Hogenkamp, Pharmacology, Utrecht
Jennifer Collins, Pediatric surgery, Rotterdam
Kuldeep Kumawat, Pediatrics, Utrecht
Haoxiao Zuo, Pharmacology, Groningen
Marc Vooijs, Radiotherapy, Maastricht
Click here for the program!
Map to the venue (Leuvenlaan 21) click here
Please contact Inez van den Burg by email (i.m.van.den.burg@umcg.nl) to register for the symposium, before October 10th, 2016. The closure of the symposium includes an informal dinner (Italian buffet) for which you are invited as well. Please indicate if you stay for dinner at the end of the symposium!
NRS membership is mandatory! After that the attendance is free of charge!
Best wishes from the NRS platform animal models,
Gerry T.M. Wagenaar (g.t.m.wagenaar@lumc.nl)
Gert Folkerts (G.Folkerts@uu.nl)
Rudi Hendriks (r.hendriks@erasmusmc.nl)