As part of the National Program for Lung Research, the taskforce 'Cross fertilization between research areas' is organizing a one-day symposium on cross-border thinking for respiratory research. The aim of this symposium is to stimulate innovative approaches for respiratory research.
Based on the comments and enthusiastic responses received, we are very happy to announce that a new course will be organized next year, accommodating a similarly sized group of junior investigators. Registration is open already, so please do sign up!
Article selected by the news committee, June 2017
This article from Patricia van der Velzen was sent in by Gert-Jan Braunstahl and selected by the news committee as article of the month!
Follow-up research by J. Derks presented recently at the annual meeting of the American Society for Clinical Oncology finds that genetic subtypes of large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (LCNEC) can predict response to chemotherapy.
The NFU, Federation of Dutch Universities has decided that Lung Diseases will participate in the National Science Agenda (NWA) route: Personalized Medicine. This is exciting news; next to Cancer, Cardiology and Mental Health Care, Lung diseases are now highlighted for Personal Medicine plans in the Netherlands!
Recent wetenschappelijk onderzoek laat zien dat antibiotica ten onrechte wordt voorgeschreven bij een longaanval (de plotselinge benauwdheid waarmee veel COPD-patiënten te maken hebben).
On June 30th 2017 the symposium "Precision Medicine in Respiratory disease, today, tomorrow and beyond..." will be held in SPUI25 in Amsterdam. At 16.00 o'clock Prof. dr. A.H. Maitland-van der Zee will give her inaugural lecture, "Therapie à la carte", in the Oude Lutherse Kerk, Singel 411, Amsterdam.
De Samenwerkende GezondheidsFondsen (SGF) en de Topsector Life Sciences & Health (Topsector LSH) stellen 3 miljoen euro beschikbaar voor maximaal 50% cofinanciering van een publiek-privaat onderzoeksinitiatief. Dit initiatief moet leiden tot innovatieve oplossingen die mensen met een chronische ziekte zo fit en betrokken mogelijk laten leven.
You are kindly invited to join the first national meeting on Open Science for researchers. The meeting will take place on the 29th of May 2017 and will be hosted at the Aula of TU Delft.
July 28-29, 2017| Perth, Australia. This new Summit, organised by The Lancet Respiratory Medicine and The Lancet Oncology, will cover all of the main areas of debate for patients with COPD and lung cancer from prevention, diagnosis, treatment through to palliative care. It will also look at shared lessons from having a better understanding of the development and management of both diseases.
This two-day course on December 13 and 14 2017 will provide a comprehensive overview of what was recently published and discovered in 2017, in the fields of pulmonary rehabilitation, physical activity, respiratory failure and palliative respiratory care. Moreover, Prof. Dr. Emiel F.M. Wouters (Maastricht University Medical Center, The Netherlands) and Prof. Dr. Randall J. Curtis (University of Washington, Seattle, USA) will give their inspiring views on pulmonary rehabilitation and end-of-life respiratory care in 2025, respectively.
Consortia van wetenschappers en publieke/private partijen kunnen financiering aanvragen voor de ontwikkeling van effectieve, efficiënte en verantwoorde personal empowerment methodes voor een gezonde samenleving in de toekomst. Op 22 mei is er een match-making waarvoor geïnteresseerden zich kunnen opgeven door een mailtje te sturen naar
Graag willen wij u uitnodigen voor de 'Hollandse Borrel' die tijdens de ATS door de NVALT wordt georganiseerd.
Health~Holland (Top Sector Life Sciences and Health) and the Lung Foundation enable consortia of researchers and companies to apply for a grant (Public-Private Partnership(PPP) allowance) for basic, translational or applied research. The maximum amount of support in 2017 is €432.000. Research projects have to contribute to the goals and objectives of both the Topsector LSH and the Lung Foundation.
Just like last year there are two grant opportunities, one for junior researchers and the Dirkje Postma Talent Award.
Pauline de Goeje attended the Keystone symposium "Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy: Taking place in mainstream oncology" which was held on 19-23 March, 2017 in Whistler, Canada.
Longonderzoekers sluiten de rijen in Vaalsbroek
Van maandag 10 tot en met 13 april organiseren het Longfonds, longartsenvereniging NVALT en NRS, het Nederlands Respiratoir Samenwerkingsverband, de Week van de Longen in de Heerlickheijd van Ermelo. Tijdens deze unieke week komen longartsen, zorgverleners, onderzoekers en longpatiënten samen om de laatste ontwikkelingen op het gebied onderzoek en zorg met elkaar te delen. Dit jaar is het thema van de week "een leven lang longen". Zo wordt aandacht gevraagd voor de 1 miljoen mensen in Nederland die leven met een chronische longziekte.
Article selected by the news committee, March 2017