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Anne van der Does received NRS Travel Grant
Travel grants March 2017

Anne van der Does attended the Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) and Conference (GRC) on Antimicrobial Peptides which was held from February 25th till March 3rd, 2017 in Ventura, California, U.S.A.

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Anne van der Does received NRS Travel Grant
Irma Tindemans received NRS Travel Grant (2)
Travel grants March 2017

Irma Tindemans attended the Keystone meeting on Asthma: from pathway biology to precision therapeutics which was held on February 12-16, 2017 in Keystone, USA.

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Irma Tindemans received NRS Travel Grant (2)
Katja Obieglo received NRS Travel Grant (2)
Travel grants March 2017

Katja Obieglo attended the 15th EAACI Immunology Winter School which took place in Sierra Nevada (Spain) on 26-29 January 2017.

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Katja Obieglo received NRS Travel Grant (2)
Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors and Proton Pump Inhibitors: An Evaluation of Treatment Options
News Committee February 2017

This is a descriptive review based on previous own research into this design and it contains some clear recommendations for pulmonologists that prescribe TKI's.

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Distributed learning: Developing a predictive model based on data from multiple hospitals without data leaving the hospital - A real life proof of concept.
News Committee February 2017

This article is about big data analysis and the value of predicting the prognosis of the individual patient. They show the use of a self learning model.

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KNAW symposium - Vermoeidheid bij chronische ziekten
NPL February 2017

Verslag door Arno van 't Hoog over het KNAW symposium - Vermoeidheid bij chronische ziekten

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Persbericht Longfonds - Nieuwe mobiele check maakt luchtvervuiling zichtbaar
General January 2017

Longfonds: 70% Nederlanders onderschat schade door ongezonde lucht

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Persbericht Longfonds - Nieuwe mobiele check maakt luchtvervuiling zichtbaar
A host-protein based assay to differentiate between bacterial and viral infections in preschool children (OPPORTUNITY): a double-blind, multicentre, validation study
News Committee January 2017

Article selected by the news committee, January 2017

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Airway inflammation in COPD after long-term withdrawal of inhaled corticosteroids.
News Committee January 2017

Article selected by the news committee, January 2017

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Asthma is characterized by more IRF5+ M1 and CD206+ M2 macrophages and less IL10+ M2-like macrophages around airways compared to healthy airways.
News Committee January 2017

Article selected by the news committee, January 2017

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Persbericht - Mannen hebben andere astma dan vrouwen
General January 2017

Mannen en vrouwen met een milde vorm van astma hebben duidelijke verschillen in hun longen. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van Groningse immunologen. Wanneer de onderzoekers weefsel uit de luchtwegen van mannen of vrouwen met astma bekeken, vonden ze met name verschillen in een bepaald type ontstekingscellen. 'Dit onderzoek laat zien dat we bij het zoeken naar andere of betere medicijnen tegen astma veel meer rekening moeten houden met de verschillen tussen mannen en vrouwen', zegt professor Barbro Melgert, hoogleraar Farmaceutische immunologie aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

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Anita Kneppers received NRS Travel Grant
Travel grants January 2017

Anita Kneppers attended the 9th Cachexia conference which was held on December 10-11th, 2017 in Berlin, Germany.

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Evelyn de Jong received NRS Travel Grant (2)
Travel grants January 2017

Evelyn de Jong attended the annual meeting of the American Society for Radiation Oncology, which was held from the 25th of September till the 28th of September in Boston, USA.

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Evelyn de Jong received NRS Travel Grant (2)
Inge Schreurs received NRS Travel Grant
Travel grants December 2016

Inge Schreurs attended the Joint BSI & NVVI Congress which was held on 6-9 December 2016 in Liverpool, UK.

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Inge Schreurs received NRS Travel Grant
Konda Babu Kurakula received NRS Travel Grant
Travel grants December 2016

Konda Babu Kurakula attended the International Vascular Biology Meeting (IVBM) in Boston, USA from 30th October to 3rd November in 2016.

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Konda Babu Kurakula received NRS Travel Grant
A transcriptome-driven analysis of epithelial brushings and bronchial biopsies to define asthma phenotypes in U-BIOPRED
News Committee December 2016

One of the first articles derived from the U-BIOPRED consortium giving insight in the origin of severe asthma.

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U-BIOPRED clinical adult asthma clusters linked to a subset of sputum -omics
News Committee December 2016

One of the first articles from the U-BIOPRED consortium that provides new insight in the origin of severe asthma

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Symposium Fatigue in Chronic Diseases
NPL November 2016

This symposium will bring together world experts in the topic of fatigue in patients with chronic non-communicable disease, like respiratory, cardiovascular and oncologic diseases. It aims to bring forward ideas for best approaches in research and clinical practice to tackle the origins and management of this very common and overlapping symptom in many chronic diseases, that affects a patients' daily quality of life, and impacts societal and professional participation.

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NRS 8th Young Investigator symposium
NRS November 2016

We are pleased to announce the upcoming NRS Young Investigator Symposium (YIS) which will be organized for the 8th time on Friday November 18th 2016 at Casa 400 in Amsterdam.

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NRS 8th Young Investigator symposium
Report NRS symposium "Lung Repair and Regeneration"
NPL November 2016

The symposium was organized by Prof Irene Heijink (UMCG, Groningen) and Dr Robbert Rottier (Erasmus MC, Rotterdam) as part of the NRS task force Innovative Research. The goal of the meeting was to stimulate research in the Netherlands aimed at repair of damaged lung tissue.

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