Gimano Amatngalim attended the Keystone symposium: The NF-kappaB System in Health and Disease, which was held in Keystone, Colorado on February 22-28, 2014.
Karen Zegers attended the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO) 33 conference.
During the Longdagen 2014, several NRS awards were presented to outstanding scientists.
The NRS platform on animal models in pulmonary research will organize the fourth symposium on October 17th in Utrecht.
Sanne Lievense attended the Keystone Symposium 'Immune Evolution in Cancer' in Whistler, Canada.
Rokers die stoppen hebben zes weken na hun laatste sigaret duidelijk minder last van depressie of angststoornissen dan mensen die doorgaan met roken.
Hypoxia and Lung Diseases
April 2014
Longdagen 2014: register in time, and check the latest program information and abstract sessions
On Wednesday April 9th , the division of Pharmacoepidemiology and Clinical Pharmacology (Utrecht University) will organize a mini-symposium entitled: Can biomarkers improve treatment outcomes in childhood asthma?
Article selected by the newscommittee, April 2014