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Deadline abstract submission Lung Science Conference 2020 - 1st of November
General October 2019

A kind reminder that the deadline for abstracts for the Lung Science Conference 2020 is quickly approaching on 1 November. The conference will take place on 5-8 March, in Estoril, Portugal. The theme for this year's conference is 'Metabolic alterations in lung ageing and disease'.

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Tom Gasan received NRS Travel Grant
Travel grants October 2019

Tom Gasan attended the Parasitic Helminths - New Perspectives in Biology and Infection conference in Hydra, Greece on 1-6 September 2019.

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Tom Gasan received NRS Travel Grant
Bregtje Hermans received NRS Travel Grant
Travel grants October 2019

Bregtje Hermans attended the World Conference on Lung Cancer 2019 in Barcelona, Spain on 7-10 September 2019.

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Bregtje Hermans received NRS Travel Grant
World Lung Day - September 25th, 2019
General September 2019

Today, on World Lung Day (WLD), NRS unites with other WLD partner organisations to advocate for respiratory health globally and call on policymakers to ensure that everyone has access to the services they need to improve their lung health.

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World Lung Day - September 25th, 2019
Esmé Baan received second NRS Travel Grant
Travel grants September 2019

Esmé Baan attended the International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management held in Philadelphia, USA on 24-28 August 2019. She received the NRS travel grant before in June 2018.

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Esmé Baan received second NRS Travel Grant
Mirjam Roffel received NRS Travel Grant
Travel grants September 2019

Mirjam Roffel attended the International Conference of Mucosal Immunology 2019 in Brisbane, Australia on 16-20 July 2019.

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Mirjam Roffel received NRS Travel Grant
P4O2 stakeholders meeting 17th of September
NPL September 2019

17th of September 2019: first stakeholders meeting P4O2

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The NRS signed a petition for a more ambitious plan to improve air quality
NRS September 2019

The Schone Lucht Akkoord is a plan of the Dutch government to improve air quality in order to obtain a health gain for all. On the 10th of September 2019, the Dutch Lung Foundation and Hans in 't Veen, specialist in the Franciscus Gasthuis in Rotterdam, served a petition to the state to demand a more ambitious plan. This petition was signed by multiple health organizations, including the NRS.

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The new website P4O2.org is live!
NPL August 2019

A more extensive description of the proposal P4O2 is now available on the new website P4O2.org.

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Persbericht: Nooit gerookt, toch COPD - Ingeademde stoffen op het werk veranderen de werking van DNA
News Committee August 2019

Nederlandse onderzoekers hebben belangrijke aanwijzingen over de schade die ingeademde stoffen op het werk in het lichaam aanrichten. 'Het effect op de werking van het DNA is vergelijkbaar met het effect door roken', zo blijkt uit een onderzoek door Marike Boezen van UMC Groningen, gesteund door het Longfonds.

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Persbericht: Nooit gerookt, toch COPD - Ingeademde stoffen op het werk veranderen de werking van DNA
Stichting Astma Bestrijding (SAB) Best paper award 2019
General July 2019

The SAB Best Paper Award is presented every year to a young investigator who performed his/her research in a research institute or hospital in the Netherlands, or to a Dutch investigator who performed his/her research abroad. 

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Stichting Astma Bestrijding (SAB) Best paper award 2019
Cecile Wolfs received a second NRS Travel Grant
Travel grants July 2019

Cecile Wolfs attended the International Conference on the use of Computers in Radiotherapy (ICCR) in Montreal, Canada on 17-20 June 2019. In 2017 she received her first NRS Travel Grant.

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NRS National Lung Course 2019 was a great success
NRS July 2019

The third NRS National Lung Course was organized in Ermelo on 26-28 June 2019.

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NRS National Lung Course 2019 was a great success
Gwenda Vasse received NRS Traval Grant
Travel grants July 2019

Gwenda Vasse attended the Gordon research conference on Cell contact and adhesion in Switzerland on 2-7 June 2019.

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Gwenda Vasse received NRS Traval Grant
Marlies Ketelaar received NRS Travel Grant
Travel grants July 2019

Marlies Ketelaar attended the Type 2 Immunity in Homeostasis and Disease conference in Bruges, Belgium on 21-22 February 2019.

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Marlies Ketelaar received NRS Travel Grant
26 juni meeting 'Transmuraal Longformularium Utrecht'
General June 2019

In the region Utrecht, 'Het Formularium' is established in which multiple hospitals, pharmacy organizations, care groups and insurance companies are involved. Wednesday 26 June, the formularium organizes a meeting that could be of interest for people and organizations involved in regional collaboration in asthma/COPD and inhalers.

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The brochure of the NPL program 'P4O2' is available
NPL June 2019

The researchers of the Dutch National Program Lung Research of the NRS aim to submit the research proposal 'P4O2 - Precision Medicine for more Oxygen' to the Match Call of Health~Holland at 9 October 2019. We are looking for partners in artificial intelligence, big data, bioinformatics, pharma, diagnostics and other related fields. A brochure with more detailed information about the project is now available!

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Call for initiatives to develop human measurement models
General June 2019

This is a prior notification. The 'Samenwerkende Gezondheidsfondsen' (SGF) and 'Topsector LSH' (Life Sciences & Health), in collaboration with ZonMw and NWO - domain 'Technische en Toegepaste Wetenschappen' (TTW), make available €3,2 million of PPS-fees to stimulate the development of new and better human measurement models for medical research.

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Health impacts of air pollution
General May 2019

Fact or myth? 'THE HEALTH EFFECTS OF PARTICULATE MATTER ARE EXAGGERATED'. Questioning the validity of air quality standards in Europe and the US, the ERS developed a factsheet debunking key myths and misconceptions about air pollution. Also, a session on health impacts of air pollution is organized at the ERS 1 October from 14:45 to 16:45.

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NRS-Biobank Catalogue
NRS May 2019

The NRS biobank and data catalogue is online! For FAIR data use and stimulation of collaboration.

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