The NRS biobank and data catalogue is online! For FAIR data use and stimulation of collaboration.
The national campaign 'Lucht & Longen' has been launched today!
A team of Dutch researchers found a new approach to reduce the use of antibiotics for severe COPD exacerbations.
Christy Tulen attended the Society of Toxicology (SOT) Congress 2019 in Baltimore, USA on March 10-14th 2019. In addition, she visited the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) in Durham, USA.
The eight edition of the 'Longdagen' were organized by the Lung Foundation, the NRS and the NVALT on 9-10 April 2019. Pulmonologists, scientists, caregivers and patients with lung disease came together to discuss and exchange knowledge and experiences. Several prices were awarded during the 'Longdagen'.
There is still time to register for the NRS National Lung Course 2019. Please register before 20 April.
Prof. Barbro Melgert, Prof. Reinoud Gosens and Dr. Anna Salvati (GRIP) have been awarded one of fifteen grants in a pioneering ZonMW programme dedicated to research into the health risks associated with plastic.
The NRS board would like to invite all NRS members to the General members meeting.
Wegens naderende pensionering van de hoogleraar longoncologie zoekt de afdeling Longziekten en Tuberculose van het UMCG een ambitieuze opvolger.
Registration is now open for the new ERS Course: 'Masterclass in pulmonary embolism'. Delivered by experts in the field of pulmonary vascular diseases, sessions will cover the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of PE, post-pulmonary embolism syndrome, and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension.
Het Longfonds investeert ook in 2019 weer in jong talent. Hiervoor stellen zij drie verschillende persoonlijke subsidies beschikbaar: de subsidie voor junior onderzoekers, de Dirkje Postma Talent Award en de internationale fellowships.
Ook dit jaar kunnen onderzoekers, die patiëntparticipatie een wezenlijk onderdeel maken in hun onderzoek, meedingen naar de Sterk Participatie Prijs. De prijs is opgedragen aan Prof. Dr. Peter Sterk voor zijn verdiensten in het longonderzoek en zijn inzet voor patiëntparticipatie.
The ERS summer school in adult respiratory medicine and paediatric respiratory medicine provides an opportunity for all respiratory professionals to update their knowledge against European standards, or to prepare for the 2019 ERS HERMES examinations.
This year the registration fee for the "Longdagen" for professionals has risen to €200. The NRS board has decided to compensate members partially by contributing €150 for each member. This means that NRS members still have to contribute €50 in 2019.
U bent van harte welkom op de jaarlijkse Life Sciences & Health publiek-private samenwerking (LSH PPS) dag op donderdag 7 maart in Utrecht. Wilt u meer weten over publiek-private samenwerkingsmogelijkheden, wilt u voorbeelden zien of bent u opzoek naar partners of publiek-private financieringsmogelijkheden? Schrijf u dan snel in voor de LSH PPS dag 2019!
The 11th edition of the SCWD annual conference meeting, organized 7-9 December 2018 was a great success, and was attended by in total 337 scientists (PhDs, MDs and PhD-students) from 32 different countries.
Following a very positive response to last year's call for cases, we are pleased to inform you that the European Respiratory Society is now accepting clinical case submissions for inclusion in the programme of the upcoming ERS International Congress. This is a unique opportunity to share your daily practice challenges with your peers and to directly contribute to the largest meeting in the respiratory field, which this year is taking place in Madrid. Therefore, we encourage you to submit your interesting cases.
Organised by the European Respiratory Society and the European Sleep Research Society, the conference is the largest pan-European meeting of its kind offering an integrated approach to the investigation and treatment of sleep disorders. The focus will be on professional development and education.
The latest in the ERS Satellites event series is taking place on 21 February, 2019 and will focus on the popular topic of precision medicine, with a specific focus on COPD and ILD. This one-day event offers free attendance in London, Lisbon, Athens, Warsaw or online to any interested healthcare professionals.
Jelle Folkerts attended a Mini-Symposium on Mast Cell Research, which was held on November 26 2018 in Stanford, USA.