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ELSI Servicedesk (source: BBMRI-website)
NRS December 2018

The ELSI (Ethical, Legal and Social Implications) Servicedesk (https://www.elsi.health-ri.nl/) offers guidance and answers to the ethical, legal and societal questions around Personalized Medicine research faced by life sciences professionals, policymakers and patients.

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Effects of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), in Dutch: Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming (AVG) 
NRS December 2018

As widely known and presently often in the news earlier this year the new European privacy law has been put into practice after being launched earlier. This evokes many questions for hospitals and also for (human) research. In such research this law has consequences considering that such research in general includes biomaterials and / or data about patients.

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PGO-training - Training over patiënten participatie bij wetenschappelijk onderzoek
General November 2018

Benieuwd hoe jij patiëntenparticipatie kunt inzetten binnen je eigen onderzoek? Deze training helpt je op weg met een praktisch stappenplan. De training wordt georganiseerd door PGO-support en vindt plaats op vrijdag 1 februari 2019 van 9.30 - 17.00 uur in Utrecht.

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De website inhalatorgebruik.nl is vernieuwd!
General November 2018

Op 26 november is de vernieuwde website www.inhalatorgebruik.nl gelanceerd! Om patiënten en zorgverleners nog beter van dienst te zijn is de website uitgebreid met anderstalige instructiefilms (Engels, Turks en Arabisch) voor 21 inhalatoren. Bovendien is de website voorzien van een nieuw design en aangevuld met praktische informatie.

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De website inhalatorgebruik.nl is vernieuwd!
CAHAG congresagenda 2019
General November 2018

De COPD & Astma Huisartsen Advies Groep (CAHAG) is een netwerkorganisatie van (kader-)huisartsen met speciale belangstelling voor COPD en Astma. CAHAG leden zijn regionaal en landelijk betrokken bij kwaliteits- en deskundigheidsbevordering van COPD en Astmazorg, zowel in de huisartsgeneeskunde, de eerstelijn als de ketenzorg.  In 2019 organiseert CAHAG een aantal congressen; 

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CAHAG congresagenda 2019
11th International Conference on Cachexia, Sarcopenia & Muscle Wasting
General November 2018

3 full days of scientific education, almost 60 international speakers, up to 2 parallel sessions, posters sessions and awards, Special sessions by pre-registration only: statistical seminar and Career café "meet the mentors".

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Lucas Rijsman received NRS Travel Grant
Travel grants October 2018

Lucas Rijsman attended the North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference, which was held on October 18-20 2018 in Denver, Colorado.

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Lucas Rijsman received NRS Travel Grant
Karen Moor received NRS Travel Grant
Travel grants October 2018

Karen Moor attended the International colloquium on Lung and Airway Fibrosis (ICLAF) conference, which was held on October 14-18 2018 in Pacific Grove, California, USA.

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Karen Moor received NRS Travel Grant
Bronchitis X symposium - 19-21 June 2019 in Groningen
General October 2018

Since the sixties, small interactive meetings featuring leading international researchers in the field of obstructive airway diseases have been held in Groningen under the unassuming title of "Bronchitis". In 2019, we will be celebrating its 10th anniversary by organizing "Bronchitis X".

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Bronchitis X symposium - 19-21 June 2019 in Groningen
Aida Llucià-Valldeperas received NRS Travel Grant
Travel grants October 2018

Aida Llucià-Valldeperas attended the World Congress of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (WC-TERMIS), which was held on September 4-7 2018 in Kyoto, Japan.

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Aida Llucià-Valldeperas received NRS Travel Grant
Marcel Kwiatkowski received NRS Travel Grant
Travel grants October 2018

Marcel Kwiatkowski attended the 22nd International Mass Spectrometry Conference (IMSC), which was held on August 26-31 2018 in Florence, Italy.

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Marcel Kwiatkowski received NRS Travel Grant
General October 2018

Op donderdag 17 januari 2019 wordt voor de 10e keer de CAHAG Conferentie georganiseerd, welke plaatsvindt van 09.30 - 17.30 uur in Hotel Theater FIGI te Zeist.

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Xinhui Wu received NRS Travel Grant
Travel grants September 2018

Xinhui Wu attended the EMBO|EMBL Symposium: Organoids: Modelling Organoid Development and Disease in 3D Culture, which was held on September 10-13 2018 in Heidelberg, Germany.

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Xinhui Wu received NRS Travel Grant
Esmé Baan received NRS Travel Grant
Travel grants September 2018

Esmé Baan attended the 34th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management, which was held on August 22-26 2018 in Prague, Czech.

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Esmé Baan received NRS Travel Grant
World Lung Day - September 25th, 2018
General August 2018

On the 25th of September last year, the FIRS (Forum of International Respiratory Societies) joined the World Health Organization and many other organizations to celebrate the first World Lung Day around the world. Lung Disease was the last major chronic disease without a World Day. This year on the 25th of September we want to expand this celebration and use it to rally advocacy for respiratory health and air quality globally.

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World Lung Day - September 25th, 2018
Call for proposals for NRS Swierenga Medal 2019
NRS August 2018

The call for proposals for the NRS Swierenga Medal is now open. Deadline is January 13th 2019.

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Call for proposals for NRS Swierenga Medal 2019
Call for proposals for NRS Swierenga Thesis Award 2019
NRS August 2018

The call for proposals for the NRS Swierenga Thesis Award is now open. Deadline is October 14th 2018.

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Call for proposals for NRS Swierenga Thesis Award 2019
EASYM - 2nd International Meeting on Systems Medicine
General August 2018

The European Association of Systems Medicine e.V. (EASyM) is organizing the 2nd international meeting on Systems Medicine in the beautiful regions of Utrecht on 7th-9th November 2018. 

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NVALT "Hollandse Borrel" ERS Parijs
General August 2018

Graag willen wij u uitnodigen voor de 'Hollandse Borrel' die tijdens de ERS door de NVALT wordt georganiseerd.

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Thijs Hoffman received NRS Travel Grant
Travel grants August 2018

Thijs Hoffman attended the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) Workshop on telomere biology in health and human disease, which was held on May 1-6 2018 in Troia, Portugal.

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Thijs Hoffman received NRS Travel Grant