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Award winners 'Longdagen' 2018
General April 2018

On April 10-11th, the Lung Foundation, the NRS and the NVALT organized the 'Longdagen' for the seventh time. Pulmonologists, scientists, caregivers and people with lung disease came together to talk to each other, to discuss and to exchange knowledge. At the end of the 'Londagen' several prizes were awarded.

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4de lustrum van pulmonale hypertensie zorg in VUmc - inauguratie van Prof. Dr. Harm Jan Bogaard
General March 2018

Dit jaar viert de afdeling Longziekten van het VUmc het 4de lustrum van pulmonale hypertensie zorg in VUmc, alsmede de inauguratie van Prof. Dr. Harm Jan Bogaard. Om deze heugelijke gebeurtenissen te vieren, organiseren wij op vrijdagmiddag 1 juni 2018 een PH symposium voor zorgverleners en wetenschappers, waarna de oratie en inauguratie van onze nieuwe professor kan worden bijgewoond.

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Paul Janssen Futurelab Leiden - International blended course Clinical Development
General March 2018

Due to the large interest, a new online course for Clinical Development will start in April and scholarships will again be available for selected candidates. These scholarships will cover 50% of the total course fee for participants of the complete blended course Clinical Development (online + on-campus + extended). The online course will start on April 9, 2018.

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Subsidieronde Jong Talent 2018 van start
General March 2018

Het Longfonds investeert ook in 2018 weer in jong talent. Hiervoor stelt het Longfonds drie verschillende persoonlijke subsidies beschikbaar: de subsidie voor junior onderzoekers, de Dirkje Postma Talent Award en de internationale fellowships.

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Subsidieronde Jong Talent 2018 van start
ERS Summer Schools
General February 2018

ERS members have access to two valuable ERS educational opportunities in 2018 at a reduced cost: ERS Summer Schools in adult or paediatric respiratory medicine and the ERS HERMES examinations.

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Registration fee - Longdagen 2018
NRS February 2018

Also this year, visiting the "Longdagen" is free for members of the NRS...

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Ciro Academy 2018
General February 2018

The Ciro Academy organises courses, seminars and workshops. This training is designed specifically for caregivers who provide professional care for people with chronic organ failure. We discuss the latest scientific insights and research results to help medical professionals to keep developing their expertise. In 2018, the CIRO Ciro Academy will organize the following English-language meetings:

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Sterk Participatie Prijs voor onderzoekers
General February 2018

Nieuwe prijs voor onderzoekers die patiënten betrekken. Vanaf 2018 kunnen onderzoekers, die patiëntparticipatie een wezenlijk onderdeel maken in hun onderzoek, meedingen naar de Sterk Participatie Prijs. De prijs is opgedragen aan Prof. Dr. Peter Sterk voor zijn verdiensten in het longonderzoek en zijn inzet voor patiëntparticipatie.

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Karin Sanders received NRS Travel Grant
Travel grants January 2018

Karin Sanders attended the International Conference on Cachexia, which was held on December 8-10 2017 in Rome, Italy.

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Karin Sanders received NRS Travel Grant
ERS Satellites - Amsterdam, The Netherlands
General December 2017

The European Respiratory Society (ERS) is bringing the latest in severe asthma delivered by topic experts to Amsterdam on 12 April, 2018. Registration for this comprehensive one-day event, known as ERS Satellites, is free of charge. The Amsterdam venue will also be linked, using the latest in live-streaming technology, to seven other participating venues across Europe for the ultimate knowledge sharing experience.

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Predictive, Preventive, Personalized and Participatory (P4) Medicine for More Oxygen: P4O2
NPL December 2017

On June 22nd 2017, the NRS presented the P4O2 document in a meeting attended by many stakeholders in Dutch respiratory medicine and science. The document was written to promote the goals of the National Program Lung Research. Recognizing that lung diseases are the number one cause of death worldwide, P4O2 aims to seize the opportunity for Dutch respiratory science to play a leading role in the transition from palliative respiratory care towards preventative and curative respiratory medicine.

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NWO - Call for proposals Industrial Doctorates
General December 2017

The Industrial Doctorates pilot programme focuses on promoting collaborations between knowledge institutions and industry, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Within the programme, a PhD student carries out work at both the knowledge institute and the participating company. Bringing scientific knowledge closer to industry enhances opportunities for application of that knowledge.

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NWO - Call for proposals Industrial Doctorates
PPP programme Immunology: Immune system off balance
General December 2017

The Association of Dutch Health Foundations (SGF) and Top Sector LSH (Health~Holland) are jointly making €2.75 million available for a public-private research initiative in the area of immunology. This initiative is to lead to a sustainable collaboration between companies, research and knowledge institutions, and health foundations. The call for PPP proposals within this programme is being published via the Dutch Society for Immunology (NVVI).

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Call for proposals for the NRS Science Award 2018
NRS November 2017

The NRS Science Award is presented every 2 years to recognize outstanding achievements in interdisciplinary respiratory science.

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Anita Kneppers received NRS Travel Grant (2)
Travel grants November 2017

Anita Kneppers attended the Gordon Research Seminar and Conference (GRS/GRC) on Myogenesis, which was held on June 10-16 2017 in Lucca, Italy.

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Anita Kneppers received NRS Travel Grant (2)
Pulmonary Hypertension Symposium 2018
General November 2017

On March 29th 2018 a symposium on pulmonary hypertension will be organized in Rotterdam.

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Update National Program Lung research (NPL)
NPL November 2017

During the last NRS board meeting on 31-10-2017, the NPL figureheads Peter Sterk and Dirkje Postma handed over the NPL baton to the NRS board. Analogous to the NPL task forces, NRS board members and/or NRS members nominated by them, will take a leading role for specific initiatives or projects. Annemie Schols has expressed her willingness to coordinate the overall process in the coming years.

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Update National Program Lung research (NPL)
In Memoriam: Jan Raaijmakers
General October 2017

Met groot verdriet hebben we kennis genomen van het overlijden van Jan Raaijmakers, boegbeeld van de topsector Life Sciences & health en hoogleraar Pharmaceutical Technology Assessment aan de Universiteit van Utrecht.

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In Memoriam: Jan Raaijmakers
Alliantie Nederland Rookvrij - Openstellen subsidieoproep naar tabaksontmoediging
General October 2017

In Nederland sterven jaarlijks meer dan 20.000 mensen aan de gevolgen van roken en meeroken. Wetenschappelijke kennis is onontbeerlijk voor goede oplossingen om roken te ontmoedigen. Daarom kunt u vanaf 26 oktober uw onderzoeksvoorstel indienen bij ZonMw. De doelstelling van deze oproep is kennis opleveren die bijdraagt aan de volksgezondheid door tabaksontmoediging in het algemeen en de Rookvrije Generatie in het bijzonder.

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Alliantie Nederland Rookvrij - Openstellen subsidieoproep naar tabaksontmoediging
Longfonds - Subsidie voor consortia
General October 2017

Het Longfonds wil samenwerking in longonderzoek stimuleren en stelt daarom subsidie beschikbaar voor consortia. Op 17 oktober 2017 is de call voor proposals voor consortia subsidies 2018 van start gegaan.

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Longfonds - Subsidie voor consortia