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Calls for Scientific Research Proposals 2015

General September 2015

Chiesi Foundation Onlus supports high level scientific research projects, with a specific focus on the fields of chronic respiratory diseases and neonatal pathologies.

The projects supported by the Chiesi Foundation aim to better understand the patients’ needs and to improve their management, through the study of physio-pathological mechanism and phenotypes and in depth analysis of psychological aspects of patients care.


During June 2015, the Chiesi Foundation published the annual Calls for Proposals for the submission of the research projects, both in the field of neonatology and pulmonology. The submitted proposals shall be coherent with the specific objectives stated in the Calls. The proposals will be evaluated by the Chiesi Foundation's Scientific Committee which selects the projects to be funded by the Foundation.

The open Calls are available in the section below, with the related Guidelines and Form for the submission.

•Call for Scientific Research Proposals 2015 - Neonatology
•Call for Scientific Research Proposals 2015 - Pneumology

Proposals submitted after the deadline will be no longer considered.

For information please contact info@chiesifoundation.org.