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ERS/EMBO Joint Short-Term Research Training Fellowships

General August 2014

ERS/EMBO Joint Short-Term Research Training Fellowships

You can now apply or nominate a candidate for the special ERS/EMBO Joint Short-Term Research Training Fellowships. Deadline: 1 October 2014.

This programme offers great fellowship opportunities in Europe in the broad respiratory science/health field of molecular biology.

It is established to enable young scientists and clinicians to visit a Host Unit for 1 to 3 months, with the aim of learning a research technique not available in their own country.

ERS Fellowships are granted to perform research, to improve research skills, techniques and developments. They are intended to support clinical research, translational research and basic science projects.
Apply now and become an ERS/EMBO Fellow!

For more information: www.ersnet.org/ers-funding/fellowships/short-term/ersembo-joint.html