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Katja Obieglo received NRS Travel Grant (2)

Travel grants March 2017
Katja Obieglo received NRS Travel Grant (2)

Report 15th EAACI Immunology Winter School on “Basic Immunology Research in Allergy and Clinical Immunology”, 26-29 January 2017, Sierra Nevada, Spain

I am a 4rd year PhD candidate working at the Department of Parasitology of the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC, Leiden, The Netherlands). My project focuses on the induction of regulatory immune cells by parasitic worms and their protective effects on allergic airway inflammation. I was awarded a NRS travel grant and had the opportunity to attend the 15th EAACI Immunology Winter School held in Sierra Nevada, Spain, on 26-29th January 2017. This yearly meeting is especially targeted to young scientists and offers a uniquely intimate and interactive atmosphere with its limited number of participants and 6 keynote lectures by senior guest speakers. The talks of Judith Allen, an expert on helminth-induced Th2 immune responses, Rudi W. Hendriks covering the role of ILC2s in allergy and Clare Lloyd focussing on allergy mechanisms made this conference highly relevant for me. In addition, various of the short talks and posters presented by fellow conference attendees were very interesting for my research and allowed me to extensively exchange ideas with colleagues from research groups all over Europe.

I had the chance to show my own data in form of an oral presentation, and really valued the opportunity to get more acquainted with presenting my work in this setting. I received very valuable feedback by both the guest speakers and attendees. The conference also offered a great framework to expand my scientific network, and I am sure that I will be in contact with several of the newly acquired collaborators and friends in the future.

I would like to thank the NRS for the support I received, and the opportunity to present my data, expand my knowledge and strengthen my professional network at the 15th EAACI Winter School.

Katja Obieglo