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NRS awards presented at Longdagen 2014

General April 2014

During the Longdagen 2014 on April 24, the following NRS awards were presented:

  • Swierenga Penning (career award for respiratory science): Prof. dr. Tom H.M. Ottenhoff (Department of Infectious Diseases, LUMC)
  • NRS Swierenga Thesis Award (best thesis in respiratory science): Dr. Bram van den Borst (MUMC): Early metabolic risk in COPD.
  • NRS Science Award (interdisciplinary respiratory research): cystic fibrosis teams UMCU and Erasmus MC (Dr. Jeffrey Beekman and Prof. dr. Kors van der Ent)
  • NRS Young Investigator Award 2014 (best Longdagen abstract < 35 yrs): Dr. Carian Boorsma (UMCG): The RANK/RANKL/OPG-axis in pulmonary fibrosis: which cell types are involved?


 Click here for more information and background on the NRS awards.