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Symposium Animal models in pulmonary research

General April 2014

The NRS platform on animal models in pulmonary research will organize the fourth symposium on October 17th in Utrecht, (David de Wiedgebouw, room M2.01, Universiteitsweg 99, Uithof). We invite PhD students and experienced researchers to contact Gert, Rudi or Gerry by email to present their exciting data on lung and associated cardiac disease (pulmonary arterial hypertension-induced right ventricular hypertrophy) obtained in animal models. We intent to have a balanced distribution of presenters over the multiple national academic centres. The organising committee Gerry Wagenaar (g.t.m.wagenaar@lumc.nl) Rudi Hendriks (r.hendriks@erasmusmc.nl) Gert Folkerts (G.Folkerts@uu.nl)