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NRS 1st Young Investigators Symposium


Utrecht, The Netherlands

9.00- 9.10:
Introduction by Jeroen Hiltermann and Niki Reynaert

Plenary session: Obstructive lung diseases, chaired by Emiel Wouters and Elisabeth Bel

Airway remodelling in asthma: pathology and consequences for physiology.
Salman Siddiqui, Leicester, England

Airway remodelling: pathology and its functional consequences for physiology in COPD.
Bart Vrugt, Groningen, the Netherlands

Coffee break - opportunity for networking

Plenary session: Fibrotic lung diseases, chaired by Jan Grutters and Gerry Wagenaar

Airway remodelling and its pathophysiological consequences in lung fibrosis.
Melanie Köningshoff, München, Germany

Pathophysiological consequences of airway remodelling in bronchopulmonary dysplasia.
Boris Kramer, Maastricht, the Netherlands

Meet the experts@lunch

Parallel sessions

  • Session 1 "The clinical track"-workshop: basic scientists will learn more about clinical symptoms, parameters, and physiology and their connection to mechanisms of remodelling

    Workshop leaders: Peter Sterk, Amsterdam, the Netherlands and Gert-Jan Braunstahl, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
  • Session 2 "The biomedical track"-workshop: clinical researchers/doctors will learn about the use of in vivo/in vitro models to study physiology, pathology and remodelling

    Workshop leaders: Machteld Hylkema, Groningen, the Netherlands and Pieter Hiemstra, Leiden, the Netherlands

Coffee break - opportunity for networking

Research is top-sport and you are very likely to win

Marcel Levi, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Closing remarks by Pieter Hiemstra and Peter Sterk