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NRS 3rd Young Investigator Symposium

3rd NRS Young Investigator Symposium 11 November 2011      
Hotel Casa400, Eerste Ringdijkstraat 4
1097 BC Amsterdam, Amsterdam (near trainstation Amsterdam Amstel)
Please come by train due to limited parking possibilities

Abstract submission opened, deadline October 1st.

e-Poster submission: November 1st

Program at glance:
Morning: thematic session with Keynote speakers: “Nature-Nurture”
Gene-environment interaction (2 clinicians and 2 basic scientists) in different lung diseases
Afternoon: Parallel master classes (click here) by the Keynote speakers: present your research in an e-poster (max 3 figures) and receive feedback from the Expert.
Keynote speaker on Epigenetics, announcement of poster prize winner and closure.

09.00-09.45:   Registration

09.45-10.00:  Welcome by YIS-board

10.00-11.15:  2 Key note speakers
                        Erika von Mutius (Munich, Germany): The protective farm effect on
                        childhood allergic asthma
                        Jan Grutters (Nieuwegein, NL): Genes and environment in
11.15-11.45:  Coffee/Tea

11.45-13.00:  2 Key note speakers
                         Harry Groen (Groningen, NL): EGFR mutations and lung cancer  
                        Guy Brusselle (Gent, Belgium) The role of gene-environment interactions in COPD.
13.00-14.00:  Lunch

14.00-15.55:  Parallel master classes facilitated by key note speakers (including coffee/tea)

16.00-16.05:  Chiesi Award winners 2010-2011

16.05-16.50:   Keynote speaker Dirkje Postma (Groningen, NL): The role of the enivironment on epigenetics
16.50-17.15:  Announcement of the poster prize winner + Closure

The NRS-Young Investigator Symposium-committee
    Dr. Bernt van den Blink, Erasmus MC Rotterdam 
    Dr. Agnes Boots, Maastricht University Medical Center    
    Dr. Reinoud Gosens, University of Groningen   
    Dr. Jeroen Hiltermann, University Medical Center Groningen   
    Dr. Hermelijn Smits, Leiden University Medical Center