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NRS 4th Young Investigator Symposium

Hotel Casa400, Eerste Ringdijkstraat 4
1097 BC Amsterdam, Amsterdam (near trainstation Amsterdam Amstel)
We advise you to travel by train due to limited parking possibilities

sponsored by Stichting Astma Bestrijding (SAB)

Abstract submission opened, deadline October 5, 2012.

e-Poster submission: November 4nd, 2012 

Program at glance:
Morning: Thematic session with 4 keynote speakers on: “Personalized Medicine
Afternoon: Parellel masterclass "Meet the Expert" and workshop "Meet the Editorial Board". The masterclass "Meet the Expert" is for junior researchers (e.g. PhD students) and will allow them present their own research (E-poster, click here for template) and receive feedback from the expert. The workshop "Meet the Editorial Board" is aimed at more experienced researchers (e.g. post-docs); during the workshop participants can peer-review a state-of-the art paper with the help of experienced editors. Read the information on this workshop before registering, and make sure to register before October 15 in view of the preparation needed for this workshop.

09.00-09.45:   Registration 

Plenary morning session:

09.45-10.00:   Welcome by YI-board (in the “University of Amsterdam.4”)

                          (Member of the YI-board)

10.00-11.15:  2 Key note speakers (chair: member of the NRS-board)
                         10.00-10.40: Joachim Aerts (Breda/Rotterdam, NL) 

                         Dendritic cell-based immunotherapy in malignant mesothelioma

                         10.40-11.15: Elizabeth Renzoni (Brompton, UK)    

                         ILD in connective tissue disease: key management issues

11.15-11.45:  Coffee/Tea (in the “Erasmus zalen”)

11.45-13.00:  2 Key note speakers (in the “University of Amsterdam 4”)

                         (chair: member of the NRS-board)                      

                         11.45-12.35: Elisabeth Bel (Amsterdam, NL) 

                         Current treatment of severe asthma

                         12.25-13.00: David Lomas (Cambridge, UK) 

                         Unravelling the twists and turns of the serpinopathies

13.00-14.00:  Lunch (in the “Erasmus zalen”)

Paralel early afternoon sessions:

14.00-15.55:  Master class "Meet the expert" on presenting your research; facilitated by key note speakers (including coffee and tea)
- Elisabeth Bel (moderator Member of the YI-board) in room Oxford
- Elisabeth Renzoni / Joachim Aerts (moderator Member of the YI-board) in room Sorbonne
- David Lomas (moderator Member of the YI-board) in room Harvard
- Ian Adcock (moderator Member of the YI-board) in University of Amsterdam 

14.00-15.30:  Parallel session - Workshop "Meet the Editorial Board": 
 Peter Sterk and Pieter Hiemstra

                         (moderator member of  NRS board) in room Stellenbosch

15.30-16.00:  Coffee/tea

Plenary session:

16.00-16.10:  Chiesi Award winner 2011: Jan Zijlstra (in the “University of Amsterdam 4”)

16.10-16.55:  Keynote speaker Ian Adcock (London, UK) 

                         Corticosteroid resistance in airways disease

16.55-17.15:  Announcement of the e-poster prize winner + Closure 

                        (Member of the YI-board)


The NRS-Young Investigator Symposium-committee:

- Dr. Bernt van den Blink, Erasmus MC Rotterdam                  
- Dr. Agnes Boots, Maastricht University Medical Center           
- Dr. Frits Franssen, Ciro, Horn                                                  
- Dr. Reinoud Gosens, University of Groningen                          
- Dr. Hermelijn Smits, Leiden University Medical Center