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NRS 5th Young Investigator Symposium

NRS 5th Young Investigator Symposium 8 november 2013
Hotel Casa 400, Eerste Ringdijkstraat 4
1097 BC Amsterdam, Amsterdam (near trainstation Amsterdam, Amstel).
We advise you to travel by train due to limited parking possibilities.

sponsored by Stichting Astma Bestrijding (SAB)


Abstract submission opened, deadline October 4, 2013.
e-Poster submission, deadline November 1, 2013

Program at a glance:
Morning: Thematic session with 4 keynote speakers on: “Lung diseases across ages”
Afternoon: Parellel masterclass "Meet the Expert" and workshop "GCP and GLP". The masterclass "Meet the Expert" is for junior researchers (e.g. PhD students) and will allow them present their own research (E-poster, click here for template) and receive feedback from the expert. The workshop " GCP and GLP " is aimed at more experienced researchers (e.g. post-docs); during the workshop participants can update themselves on the new regulations in GLP and GCP and learn how this relates to their own research. Make sure to register before October 4th for this workshop. Followed by the masterclasses and the workshop, a pro-con discussion on the root of chronic lung diseases will be organized.


09.00-09.45:   Arrival

Plenary morning session:

09.45-10.00:  Welcome by YIS-member

10.00-11.10:  Session I; Chair: Prof. Dr. Dirkje Postma
(lectures of 30 min + 5 min discussion)

Prof. Dr. Irwin Reiss (Rotterdam): “The impact of prenatal exposures on the development of lung diseases later in life”

Prof. Dr. Clare Lloyd (London): “The onset of remodelling in childhood asthma”

11.10-11.40:  Coffee/Tea

11.40-12.50:  Session II; Chair: Prof. Dr. Emiel Wouters

Prof. Dr. Oliver Eickelberg (München): “Molecular mechanisms of ageing in pulmonary fibrosis”

Prof. Dr. Peter Barnes (London): “COPD as accelerated ageing of the lung”

12.50-14.00:  Lunch

Paralel early afternoon sessions:

14.00-16.00:  Parallel Master classes.

  •   Masterclass Prof. Dr. Irwin Reiss
  •   Masterclass Prof. Dr. Clare Lloyd
  •   Masterclass Prof. Dr. Oliver Eickelberg
  •   Masterclass Prof. Dr. Peter Barnes

14.00-16.00 Additional workshop for post-docs on Good Practice (GCP and GLP). Facilitators: Daan Touw (Groningen) and Jaap Oostendorp (Leiden).

16.00-16.30 Break

Plenary session:

16.30-17.20:  Pro-con discussion: The root of chronic lung diseases in adults is early/late in life.

17.20-17.30:  Announcement of the poster prize winner + closing remarks by YIS member.

The NRS-Young Investigator Symposium-committee:

  • Dr. Harm-Jan Bogaard, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam
  • Dr. Agnes Boots, Maastricht University Medical Center
  • Dr. Frits Franssen, Ciro, Horn  
  • Dr. Reinoud Gosens, University of Groningen
  • Dr. Mirjam Kool, Erasmus MC