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NRS 6th Young Investigator Symposium

NRS 6th Young Investigator Symposium 14 november 2014
Hotel Casa 400, Eerste Ringdijkstraat 4
1097 BC Amsterdam, Amsterdam (near trainstation Amsterdam, Amstel).
We advise you to travel by train due to limited parking possibilities. 

Sponsored by Stichting Astma Bestrijding (SAB)

Abstract submission opened, deadline October 31, 2014.
Powerpoint presentation, maximum of 5 dia's 
(mail to: s.langedijk@umcg.nl) submission, deadline November 5, 2014.


Program at a glance:
Morning: Thematic session with 4 keynote speakers on: “Hypoxia and Lung Diseases”
Afternoon: Parellel masterclass "Meet the Expert" and workshop “Grant Applications: The Road to Success”
The masterclass "Meet the Expert" is for junior researchers (e.g. PhD students) and will allow them present their own research  Powerpoint presentation (click here for more information), and receive feedback from the expert. The workshop “Grant Applications: The Road to Success” is aimed at more experienced researchers (e.g. post-docs); during the workshop participants can update themselves on the new regulations in Grant Applications and learn how this relates to their own research. Make sure to register before October 31st for this workshop. Followed by the masterclasses , a pro-con discussion on“Hypoxia is the major cause of muscle dysfunction in COPD” will be organized.

09.00-09.45:   Arrival + registration

Plenary morning session:

Welcome by Frits Franssen (Room: University of Amsterdam)

10.00-11.10:  Session I; Chair: Niki Reynaert, Maastricht
(lectures of 30 min + 5 min discussion)

Prof. Dr. Peter Bärtsch (Heidelberg, Deutschland): “High altitude pulmonary edema: a pressure-induced alveolo-capillary leak”

Prof. Dr. Nick Morrell (Cambridge, UK): “From genetics to new therapies in pulmonary arterial hypertension”

11.10-11.40:  Coffee/Tea

11.40-12.50:  Session II; Peter Wijkstra, Groningen 

Dr. Robbert Rottier (Rotterdam, The Netherlands): “Hypoxia and Lung development”

Dr. Esther Troost (Maastricht, The Netherlands): “Tumor-characterization with hypoxia/PET”

12.50-14.00:  Lunch

14.00-16.20:  Parallel Master classes with facilitators from YIS board and speakers.
 Masterclass Peter Bärtsch: Room Stellenbosch, chair: Frits Franssen
 Masterclass Nick Morrell: Room Oxford, chair: Alex Remels
 Masterclass Robbert Rottier: Room Sorbonne, chair: Brigitte Willemse
 Masterclass Esther Troost: Room Harvard, chair: Harm-Jan Bogaard
14.00-16.20: Workshop for post-docs: “Grant Applications: The Road to Success”
 Prof. dr. Pieter Hiemstra (Leiden) and Prof. Rudi Hendriks (Rotterdam)
Room: University of Amsterdam, chair: Astrid Aardenburg-van Huisstede

16.20-16.30: Break

16.30-17.20: Pro-Con discussion, chair: Frits Franssen 
“Hypoxia is the major cause of muscle dysfunction in COPD”
Dr. Harry Gosker (Maastricht) and Dr. Martijn A. Spruit (Horn)

17.20-17.30: Awards and closing remarks by Alex Remels

The NRS Young Investigator Symposium Committee:

  • Dr. Harm-Jan Bogaard, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam
  • Dr. Frits Franssen, Ciro, Horn
  • Dr. Mirjam Kool, Erasmus MC
  • Dr. Alex Remels, Maastricht University
  • Dr. Brigitte Willemse, University Medical Center Groningen